The Man Behind The Lens – Moofest meet Lee Smillie


So we have had a few of the artists performing appear on the blog, so tonight we thought we would feature one of the moofest team. First up is Lee Smillie the man who captures moofest as it happens;

Who are you and what do you do?
I’m Lee Smillie, a photographer in the fine art scene

What inspired you to make art?
Life and Light

What did you have for breakfast this morning?
A smoke and a can of Irn-Bru

What’s your favourite breakfast cereal?

What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
Make invisible are

What’s your favourite cheese?
Scottish Cheddar

What’s your favourite sandwich?

Did you have a nickname at school?

Have you ever written a fan letter?

What’s your most disgusting habit?
5 Diners a day

What’s your favourite word?

Can you think of a good poem about moofest?

from the morning udder of the farm
tae the night hay seats of music
the blue print of moofest art as nature

my words poem lee smillie

Tell us a joke?
Got few!

Well nice to meet you Lee. Honestly although we are biased and is one of our own, Lee really is one the most charming and likeable people you could ever meet and is an absolute pleasure to work with. We were very fortunate to be introduced to Lee and ever since we has managed to capture our events through a lens and record what happens at moofest for all time.

Lee is originally from Glasgow and has written a book illustrated with his own photography about his time growing up there, visit his blog to find out more, and has also featured in various magazines and publications including Saatchi Gallery Magazine. Lee is currently studying Fine Art at Blackburn University, his work can viewed by clicking here

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